
Let's talk about me...

I’m honored - Patsy of Family, Friends, and Food tagged lil ole me for a MEME. If you haven’t checked out her blog, you must. I always leave it wishing I wasn’t so darn picky. After you read it, you’ll be drooling for sure.

The rules: Each participant answers questions about himself. At the end of the post the participant tags 5 people. Their names are posted letting them know they’ve been tagged. They then have to read the participant’s blog. The tagged lets the tagger know when he’s posted his answers. Annnd, let’s go!

What was I doing ten years ago?

10 years ago I had just finished up my sophomore year of high school and had been 16 for about 2 weeks. I was in no rush to get my license, because all of my friends already had theirs. If it was a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, my friend Carrie would come pick me up in the morning, and we’d go up to school to lift and run. (And check out the football and baseball players we had crushes on!) If it was a weekend, my friends and I were probably getting a Pepsi-Mountain Dew Slushie from Convenient (yep, we were pretty darn cool) and just hanging out somewhere. Here's a picture of me from when I was 16, it was taken after some dance. Don't hate, you know you want the bangs!

What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today:

1. Run with the hubster in the morning (check)
2. Appt with a trainer at the gym for a new exercise plan (check)
3. Lunch with my friend Anne
4. Study
5. Go to class

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

Pay off debt, quit my job, keep going back to school because I like it, flip our house, and buy a new one with a fabulous kitchen, pool, and hot tub, have a summer home, have a homes in KC and STL, get a good savings plan going, volunteer, donate money, and travel, travel, travel! (A girl can dream, right?)

5 Snacks I enjoy:

1. Any sort of chocolate – dark, milk, semisweet, bittersweet, white, expensive, inexpensive – I’ll take them all.
2. Fuji Apples and Peanut Butter (Yep, my apples must be Fuji’s!)
3. Ice Cream
4. Laughing Cow Cheese and Veggies on Triscuits
5. Chips and Dip

Places I have lived:

Growing Up: St. Louis and St. Charles, Mo
College: Atchison, KS
Post College: KC,MO Lenexa and Overland Park, KS

I tag:

Sarah at Chomping Down the Big Apple
Julie at Julies Foodie
Nemmie at Cast Sugar
Danielle at Runs with Spatulas
Julia at Two Novice Chefs, One Tiny Kitchen


Patsyk said...

Thanks for playing! :)

Sophie said...

I am addicted to fujis too :). They are the best! Every time I bake an apple pie, I make sure to use fujis instead of granny smiths. There's something very addicting about them :D.